New functions for the next release

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New functions for the next release

Programino IDE for Arduino
Published by UlliS in PROGRAMINO IDE for Arduino · 5 January 2016
Tags: PrograminothealternativeArduinoIDE
A new year and soon new functions for the PROGRAMINO IDE for Arduino.

Programino IDE advanced search function

Today the advanced search has been finished. The new search will list all results on a table and the search results can be accessed directly by double-clicking in the table. Thereafter, then jumped on the file and the line containing the search term. The linemarker has now a red-box, i hope it looks cool :-)

Furthermore, I'm working on an advanced analog plotter, UDP tool for Iot/Ethernet communication, digital oscilloscope, UART-Terminal functions such as storing the data and send messages via email, debugger and many other improvements.

Thanks for your great support fans!

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